



August 2024.


This is not an exhaustive list but designed to help you. If you can’t get an answer to your question here, please email



Q: What is the Mount Merrion Youths’ Academy?


A: The Academy is designed to teach the basic skills, to boys and girls, needed to enjoy football. Care is taken to ensure that all players get the same attention and coaching. Our Merrion Kickers is for 3 and 4-year-olds. Our academy is for kids from 5–7-year-olds.

Q: When is the Academy on?

A: The academy takes place on Saturday mornings in Colaiste Eoin from 10.00-11.00pm. 

For more details email

Q: Where is it on?

A: The Academy takes place on the astro pitches in Colaiste Eoin All Weather beside the St Helens Raddison Hotel.

Q: If my child is a member of the Academy, does that guarantee them a place in the Club?

A: No. It does not guarantee them a place, but the club will try and facilitate all children to play football subject to numbers, coaches and facilities.

Q: Can I drop my child off at the academy?

A:  All parents are expected to be at the academy in case their child gets injured or needs to go to the bathroom.


Age co-ordinators:

Q: What does an age co-ordinator do?

A: An age co-ordinator looks after any issues that may arise at a certain age group. They are the go-to person for any queries or advice that managers or parents of that age group may have.

Q: Who are the age co-ordinators?

A: A list of age co-ordinators is published on the website. 


Annual General Meeting:

Q: When does the AGM take place?

A: The AGM normally takes place in the third week of June each year.

Q: Who can attend?

A: Managers and coaches who are on the central register of the club can attend the AGM. All managers and coaches with players in the club must have no outstanding debt to the club in order to attend.



Q: Who are the Management Committee members?

Paul McDonnell, Chairperson and Designated Liaison Officer

Barry Saul, Children’s Officer

Tom Hanrahan, Secretary

Adrian Lyons, Treasurer

Paul Burke, Football Committee Chair



Q: What are the opening hours?

A: Monday/ Wednesday/Friday 10-2pm Saturday/Sunday 10-12pm

Q: What are the opening hours of the kit shop?

A: Monday/Wednesday/Friday 10-2pm/Sunday 10-12pm

Q: Can I use Clubhouse for Parent Meetings etc

A: Yes. To avail of this facility, please send mail to and it can be arranged.


Club Recruitment Officer:

Q: Does the club have a recruitment officer?

A: Yes, Willie Boland is responsible for recruitment for the UCD Mount Merrion Development Squads and Mount Merrion teams.


Coaching Qualifications

Q: Do managers/coaches of teams need coaching qualifications?

A: MMYFC encourages all coaches to take part in club coach the coaches’ sessions and FAI coaching courses. Each manager at U7 & U 8s are encouraged by the club to take part in PDP1. 


Child Protection:

Q: Is there a Children’s officer in the Club?

A: Yes. Barry Saul.

Q: Who must be Garda Vetted?

A: Anyone who has any involvement in any team, includes managers, coaches, temporary helpers (this is not an exhaustive list so please check with Barry if in doubt) must be Garda vetted. The Club employs a zero-tolerance policy for this.

Q: Why does everyone involved in a team need to be Garda vetted?

A. It’s a legal requirement to have up to date Garda vetting via the relevant sporting body, in this case the FAI. It’s also a requirement to have an up-to-date Child Safeguarding course certificate.

A: Garda vetting has been an FAI Rule for all those working with children and or vulnerable persons (in a paid or voluntary capacity) for a several years. Therefore, this legislation simply places existing FAI practices on a statutory footing. Please see FAI Rule 75 and the FAI Child Welfare Policy for more information.

For the avoidance of doubt, if you are not vetted through the FAI, you will not be allowed to be involved in management, coaching or administrative duties of any team in the club. 

Q: What is a safeguarding course?

A: The Safeguarding course is a Child Welfare course run by the FAI to upskill coaches on the importance of Child Welfare. It’s an FAI requirement to complete this before coaching children.


Disciplinary issues:

Q: How does the Club deal with disciplinary issues concerning players, managers or parents?

A: The Club has a disciplinary committee which includes a member of the Management Committee. This Committee only meets when necessary. Depending on the seriousness of the issue, a legal representative may also form part of the committee. Any decision made by this Committee is final.

There are also binding Ethics guidelines for players, managers and parents on the website.



From time to time, the Club may embark on fundraising activities. We are always looking for volunteers for these activities and welcome new ideas or suggestions.

Teams are not permitted to fundraise for an event (e.g. overseas competition) without the express permission of the club. This permission can be sought by emailing



Q: Who are our fixtures secretaries?

A: Callum (083 160 3304) for DDSL  

Q: Can a kick off time or venue be changed by contacting the opposition or league directly?

A: Any request for a change of anything for a match MUST go through our fixtures secretaries and age co-ordinators.

Q: Can I contact a referee directly to advise change of time or venue?

A: No. Any issues to do with a referee MUST go through our fixtures secretaries and age co-ordinators.

Q: If I can’t fulfil a fixture, what do I do?

A: Immediately inform the fixtures secretary (for competitive leagues you may lose the points and the team could be fined). Please do not contact the league or opposition directly.

Q: Where do I play my games at the weekend?

A: Boys/Girls 5/7/9 aside home games take place in Deerpark, UCD Nova. 

A: Boys & Girls 11 aside Marlay Astro, Bearna Park, Rockfield, Oatlands, UCD and Colaiste Eoin.

Q: Can friendlies be arranged in the off-season and what is the Procedure?

A: You can request a pitch be emailing At least 5 days’ notice should be given.

Q: Can I play players from other age groups or levels to fulfil a fixture?

A: You cannot use players from other teams in your age group. You are allowed to borrow players from a year below to play up a year to help fulfil your fixture. 

Prior permission must be received from Willie Bolland, Director of Coaching before you approach a player.


First Aid equipment:

Q: If first aid equipment is required, who do I contact?

A: All teams will be provided with a first aid kit at the beginning of a season. Please send a mail to providing relevant details.


Goalkeeping coaching:

Q: Is there goalkeeping coaching available?

A: Yes, Goalkeeping training takes place on Thursday nights. Please contact Willie Boland our Director of Coaching.


Garda Vetting: 

Q: Who must be Garda Vetted?

A: Anyone who has any involvement in any team (includes managers, coaches, temporary helpers (this is not an exhaustive list so please check with Barry if in doubt) must be Garda vetted. The Club employs a zero-tolerance policy for this.

Q: If I have been Garda vetted in another capacity e.g. school, rugby etc, do I need to still apply for Garda Vetting?

A: Yes. You must be Garda Vetted through the FAI process.



Q: Does the Club grade players?

A: Yes. The club grades players on a yearly basis. Complete grading is done for the A and B teams and for players playing C/D, if they are deemed good enough. They can also be moved up or down to the level they can play at.

Q: At what age does grading take place?

A: Grading takes place as players progress from the academy (i.e. from U7 onwards)

It is proven to be psychologically and physically beneficial for children to play with others of similar ability. Players develop best, and have the most positive experience, if they are within a team and playing against teams, where their ability is consistent with those around them.


Hardship Cases: 

Q: Does the club have a policy for hardship cases?

A: The club wants to ensure that any player who is experiencing hardship will be treated no differently to other players and can continue to play.

Q: Who can I contact if I need to discuss a hardship case?

A: Please contact Adrian Lyons (086 8594809). All cases will be treated in the strictest of confidence.



Q: Are players covered by insurance?

A: Insurance is now provided by the DDSL for those players playing under their jurisdiction. For further information please follow this link  Insurance Terms – DDSL

Any other underage players are covered by the club’s insurance. 

Like all policies, there are certain limitations to the cover. To receive a copy of the cover, please email There is an excess of €150 on each claim for players covered by the Clubs insurance.



Q: Is there a requirement to wear club kit at all times when taking part in club activity?

A: The club insists that all players, managers and coaches must wear club kit for matches. There is no excuse for not having the correct kit on match day. For training, all players should wear club training tops, shorts and socks.

Q: What kit do I get with my subscription?

A: Your subscription covers shorts and socks. All new players to the club will also receive a training top as part of their first subscription.

Q: Are jerseys supplied?

A: Jerseys are supplied for all teams. Players are not allowed to take home their jerseys after each match as we have found over the years that a significant number go missing.

Q: Where can I buy kit?

A: Kit may be purchased at the Clubhouse. Opening hours Monday/Wednesday/Friday 10-2pm/Sunday 10-12pm

Q: How can I get kit which is included in my subscription?

A: Kit can be collected from the clubhouse on production of your subscription receipt. This will have been mailed to you automatically once your subscription has been paid.



Q: Is there a manager’s handbook?

A: Yes. Please follow the following link

Q: Is there a list of managers for each team?

A: A list of managers is published on the club website.


Mini World Cup (MWC):

Q: What are the age groups for the MWC?

A: The event caters for 4-year-olds to 12-year-olds, boys and girls.

Q: When does it take place?

A: It normally starts place the first Monday in June with the finals played the following Saturday and Sunday. A girl only MWC takes place the following week starting on the Wednesday with the finals played the following Saturday and Sunday.

Q: Where does it take place?

A: Deer Park.

Q: Where can I find details?

A: Details can be found under the Mini-World Cup Tab on the website, Fixtures and results are updated at the end of play each day and published on the site.

Q: How much does it cost to enter a child?

A: €45 per child with discounts for more than one player from the same family.

Q: Can players from other clubs enter?

A: Yes. However, in the case that the competition is oversubscribed, club members will be given priority.



Q: Who marks the pitches and puts up the nets?

A: This is done by our groundsman in both Deer Park, Rockfield & Bearna Park. It is incumbent upon managers that you check to see if you are the last game, and we ask you to please ensure the goals/nets/stakes are brought in and stored.

There are occasions whereby matches are scheduled to kick off at the same time in both locations. Our groundsman does everything in his power to have both locations ready in time.

Q: Do the pitches close for any period during the year?

A: Normally the council closes the pitches from mid-December until mid-January. No football on these pitches is permitted during this period. Pitches can also be called off by the council if bad weather deems them unplayable. The playability of the council run grass pitches is posted on the council website each Friday by 1pm.

Under no circumstances can matches be played on the pitches if the council / club has officially closed them.



Q: What is the recommended playing time?

A: See FAI guidelines below. This is currently the same for boys and girls with the exception of the u13s.



Q: How are new players brought into the club?

A: New players fill in and online form in order to apply to join the club. Click on join us on

Q: Can a child be brought in on trial?

A: Please discuss this with the age co-ordinator. A child can come to training once on trial and then will have to sign for the club and pay subs, subject to there being a place. This will have to be agreed in writing with the club to ensure the child is insured on the trial.

Under no circumstances can players who are signed by another club be approached to play or train with the club outside of the official transfer windows. Details from your age co-ordinator. 

Any manager who breaches this rule could be subject to disciplinary action.



QWhere can I find the club policies?

A: A list of current policies can be found on the club website under the policies link.


Safeguarding course:

QWhat is a safeguarding course?

A: The Safeguarding course is a Child Welfare course run by the FAI to upskill coaches on the importance of Child Welfare. It’s an FAI requirement to complete this before coaching children.



Q: When does the season start and finish?

A: Starts September and finishes end of May. 



Q: How do I pay my subs?

A: Please pay online through the club website under Payments.

Q: What amount do I pay?

A: Please look for the season that your child is playing and pay the relevant fee.

  1. ·      One manager and one coach per team get to pay a reduced rate (At younger age groups, there may be an increase of coaches for each team).
  2. ·      First child is the oldest child and subsequent children get a reduced rate.
  3. ·      Subs for one off events such as camps and academy are treated separately.
  4. ·      The club will give a half season rate if the child starts mid-season.

If you have any difficulty in paying the fees due to hardship, please contact Adrian Lyons (0868594809) in confidence.

Please pay your subs as soon as the season starts or when your child joins. 


All players must have their subscriptions paid or part paid by the end of September. Failure to do so will result in that player being ineligible to train or play for the club until the matter is resolved.

QIf a player leaves of their own volition for any reason (e.g. to join another club, doesn’t like it, etc), can I get a refund?

A: No refunds will be accommodated except for medical reasons.



Q: Where do I train?

ADue to the size of the club, training locations change from year to year. The club uses St Benildus, Oatlands, Coláiste Eoin, Marley Park, Mount Anville & UCD.

Full training schedule is emailed to all managers at the beginning of the season.

Q: What nights do we train?

AGenerally, Mon/Tue/Wed/Thursday are training nights. A full training schedule is emailed to all managers at the beginning of the season.

Q: What should the players wear for training?

A: All players must wear club socks and shorts and the club training top. As winter approaches black skins/black gloves and club hat.

Q: What should the coach/manager wear?

A: The Coach should wear a MMYFC jacket (given to all coaches) and be identifiable as a MMYFC coach.

Q: Can I coach on my own?

A: It is advisable that there are two coaches there at all times to protect the coach and the child. However, there are times when one of the coaches/managers is unavoidably detained and can’t make the session. Given there are normally other club teams training side by side, then exceptions will be made in this case.

Under no circumstances should a coach/manager take a session on their own where there are no other adults present.

Q: Where does pre-season training take place?

A: During the summer, pre-season takes place on grass in Deer Park and other locations. Training in other locations normally commences towards the end of September.



Q: How do I volunteer with the club?

A: The club is run by volunteers and has many active roles. Without the support of volunteers, the club could not survive. Please contact a committee member or email to let us know of your interest to become a volunteer. The club will then allocate a role to you as available.

All volunteers must follow the FAI Garda vetting process and attend Safeguarding 1. This is as per legislation.


Web site:

Q: What is the Club’s address?

A: Deer Park, Mount Merrion

Q: What is the Club’s email address?


Q: What is the Club’s website address?
